Expired date: 2023-11-04 01:16:00+00:00
Level: Beginner Level
Author: Web Oral
Rating: 4.4
Reviews: 364
Students: 35373
uses remaining: 854
Language: English

Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that are easy to apply at your work. Become a top PowerPoint user in your Office.


This course will help you to acquire the skills, information, and tools that you require to achieve your goal in the questions above. Using this course, you will be able to produce PowerPoint slides and become a more efficient and well-rounded designer.

I will show you how to create great presentation templates and slides with confidence, and I will personally guide you every step of the way. Your final outcomes will be according to their highest quality.

Great presentations feature more than simply having some eye-catching PowerPoint slides. Instead, they determine your image, personal brand, and presentation skills. Thus, you have to make the very best of them.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to PowerPoint: Begin with an in-depth introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, understanding the interface, tools, and basic functionalities.

  • Creating Effective Presentations: Learn the art of crafting engaging presentations that effectively convey your message and captivate your audience.

  • Designing Impactful Slides: Explore design principles to create visually appealing and impactful slides that enhance your message and brand image.

  • Template Creation: Understand how to design and customize templates for consistent and professional presentations, saving time and effort.

  • Guided Step-by-Step Instruction: Benefit from personal guidance throughout the course, ensuring you grasp each concept and technique effectively.

  • Practical Application: Apply your knowledge through hands-on exercises, developing your skills and confidence in PowerPoint.

  • High-Quality Final Outcomes: By the end of the course, you will produce PowerPoint presentations of the highest quality, reflecting your newfound expertise.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Individuals with no prior experience in PowerPoint, eager to develop essential presentation skills.

  • Students seeking to enhance their academic presentations and communication abilities.

  • Professionals aiming to improve their career prospects by mastering PowerPoint for business presentations.

  • Entrepreneurs and creatives looking to establish a strong brand presence through impactful visual presentations.

First, you should watch promotional videos and watch the free preview lessons. I think they’re going to give you a good idea of the quality of the course content, pace, and what to expect from taking the course. Apart from that, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked!

After completing this course, you will:

  • Understand how to efficiently operate within PowerPoint without wasting your time.

  • Be prepared to take advantage of top slides (also known as slide shows) and presentations to the highest possible industry standards.

  • Create the animations you’d like to control to your preference.

This Course includes:

Getting Started with PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint Ribbon

  • PowerPoint Presentation Interface

  • Navigate a PowerPoint slide

  • Create New PowerPoint slide

  • Saving a PowerPoint slide

  • Adding Hyperlinks to PowerPoint

PowerPoint with Text

  • How to Add Text and text box in PowerPoint Slides

  • How to Work PowerPoint Slide Layouts

  • How to Work PowerPoint Bullet Lists

Back Ground Slide Formatting

  • How to Add Color to Slides Background

  • How to Work Gradients on PowerPoint

  • How to Add Image on Slide Background

  • How to Apply Background Image to all Slides

Text Formatting in PowerPoint

  • Formatting Text within PowerPoint

  • How to format text into columns in PowerPoint

  • Adding Action Buttons to PowerPoint

Table Formatting in PowerPoint

  • Table Style Options in PowerPoint

  • Create a Table with Excel Sheet In PowerPoint

Icons Formatting in PowerPoint

  • How to create Editable Icons in PowerPoint

Charts in PowerPoint

  • How to Create a Chart in  PowerPoint

  • Insert Excel Chart with Link in PowerPoint

PowerPoint SmartArt

  • Create PowerPoint SmartArt

  • Graphic Smart Art

Multimedia Elements  to PowerPoint

  • How to Insert Audio to PowerPoint

  • How to Insert Video to PowerPoint

  • How to Insert YouTube Video in PowerPoint

Slide Show Time Customizing in PowerPoint

  • Automatic and Click Slide Show Settings in PowerPoint

Secure Slide in PowerPoint

  • How to Lock Presentation Slide in PowerPoint

PowerPoint Animated Project

  • Animated Infographic Slide Design in PowerPoint

  • Make Animated Timeline Slide in PowerPoint

  • Create Animated Sales Banner in PowerPoint with Video Format

I am sure you can do it! all you have to do is follow the lessons step-by-step!

Feel free to share any problem you are facing and i will be here to review it.

To achieve everything mentioned in this piece of advice, Enroll in this course now!

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