Expired date: 2023-11-30 17:10:00+00:00
Level: All Levels
Author: Astrid Feichter
Rating: 5.0
Reviews: 7
Students: 1516
uses remaining: 519
Language: English

Get peace of mind and unimagined freedom


You have a full closet, your wardrobe is almost bursting, but you feel you have nothing to wear?
Most people are wearing 20 % of their clothes 80% of their time! What a waste of money and energy instead of investing in the right pieces with focus.

This course is about organizing your closet in 5 easy steps!
I will show you how you can put together a wardrobe that is tailor-made for you.
You will also learn how to analyze your personal color season.

It’s about more than our closet. It’s about prioritizing the essentials! This can be the people, activities, and things in life that you care the most about. With fewer, but the right pieces in your wardrobe, you will have much more combination options. Not the quantity, but a good selection is important.

Learn to take the lead, and how to create an overview – will save time and money and give us inner peace. It’s your choice, you can live a minimalist life (or in my case, it’s an organized lifestyle) … anyway, only you determine how much you want to own, you learn how to prioritize and focus your energy and resources.

I want to encourage you to focus on what to keep and complement it with special pieces of clothing that 100 % make sense for your needs.

This course helps to check your closet at least once a year to get the overall picture of what you have, what needs to go, what should stay, and also what maybe needs to be altered … and what you need to look for when you go shopping next time.

It’s really that simple, in order to be able to combine beautifully and highlight your personal authentic style.

Learn about your personal Color season
After the course, participants should have a clearer understanding of their personal color season and how to apply this knowledge to simplify and enhance their wardrobe. Not only can this approach lead to better fashion choices, but it also promotes sustainable consumption by encouraging thoughtful purchasing.

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