Expired date: 2023-11-12 18:47:00+00:00
Level: Beginner Level
Author: Joseph Holbrook (The Cloud Tech Guy)
Rating: 5.0
Reviews: 1
Students: 533
uses remaining: 472
Language: English

Learn about the awesome capabilities, features of a DAO and be enabled to deploy your own in less than a few hours!


Course Description – Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO)  DAO Deep Dive

Learn about the awesome capabilities, features of a DAO and be enabled to deploy your own in less than a few hours!

About the Course

In this course I will teach you what is Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and how you can get started creating your own DAO!

For anyone starting a new Web3 project, building a DAO might seem like a daunting task.

By following along in this course anyone can discover how to build and deploy a DAO in less than a few hours!

A DAO uses rules which are established by a core team of community members using smart contracts. These smart contracts lay out the foundational framework by which the DAO is to operate.

A DAO is highly visible, verifiable, and publicly auditable so any potential member can fully understand how the protocol is to function at every step and lastly is fully automated on the blockchain (Typically Ethereum)

This course will walk you through the fundamentals of a DAO in the first module around pros and cons, the history of DAOs, voting mechanisms, a whiteboard example of a DAO and much more.

The second module will cover use cases and applications, third module we will discuss challenges and risks, fourth module we cover investing in DAO tokens with demos.

The last module, module 5 we go thru what the DAO creation process is like, walk through actual demos and show how to get started and deploy an actual DAO.

What will you learn in the course?

· What is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)?

· What are the use cases for a DAO?

· How you can determine the right voting mechanism for your DAO

· How you can get started creating your DAO.

· How you can create a community and find investors for your DAO

· How you can get started investing in DAO tokens

· Determine the proper DAO platform and services to use

· Understand the complexity of governance, compliance and security in DAOs

Who should take this course (Target Audience)?

You are interested in either creating their own DAO or investing in DAOs

What are the Couse Pre Requirements?

There are no course pre-requirements

Course Author – Joseph Holbrook

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